Two Rounds Of UCPath Outages Set For December
The UCPath Online Portal will be unavailable beginning Thursday, December 5 at 5 p.m. through Monday, December 9 at 8 a.m.
Here's a look at what this outage will mean for you:
- All Employees:
- UCPath Online is unavailable for ALL users.
- Employees will not be able to log on to UCPath Online to check pay, leave balances, or update their personal information.
- Applicants will not be able to view or submit applications for UC Davis or UC Davis Health jobs.
- Transactional Users
- No transactions will be processed by Service Channels, Recruiters, or other Central HR or Payroll teams (your Service Channel will provide further details on how this may impact deadlines).
- No Funding Entry or Cost Transfers (Direct Retros) can be performed by finance staff.
- Cognos WILL remain available during the blackout periods; data will be as of one day before the blackout starts.
Another round of outages will occur Wednesday, December 18 at 5 p.m. through Sunday, December 22 at 8 a.m. While the majority of these outages will take place on weekends, they will impact deadlines associated with UCPath. Please reference the 2019 UCPath Production Processing Schedule for a complete list of deadlines.
The outages allow the UCPath Center to convert employee information for UC Irvine and UC Santa Cruz into UCPath. This similar process occurred in September before UCPath went live at UC Davis. Similar outages will occur in February and May to accommodate cutover activities for other UC campuses. These dates will be shared once available.
For IT-related questions, Davis campus employees are encouraged to contact the Help Desk at ucpath@ucdavis.edu. UC Davis Health employees should contact TOC at (916) 734-HELP or open a ticket in IT self service.
Click here for guidance on other UCPath related questions.